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General Terms & Conditions including Data Privacy


1. preliminary remark

The General Terms and Conditions for the Use of GDPR Legal Cookie (hereinafter referred to as "GTC") are described below. By using GDPR Legal Cookie, you accept these General Terms and Conditions. 


2. scope of application

These General Terms and Conditions govern the terms and conditions for the use of GDPR Legal Cookie, regardless of which domain the user has registered from.



3. object

The purpose of the App GDPR Legal Cookie is to help the owners of online shops to comply with the GDPR regulations within the European Union. The functions of the app are a fill-in help for the declaration of cookies and tracking scripts. The specified cookies and scripts are tried to be handled according to the current state of technology and the decisions of the user.



The App and the operator do not guarantee legal security, as the current jurisdiction is changing very quickly.


Since the app is very dependent on third party technologies, it is not possible for the operator to guarantee the proper function, which is dependent on the third party technology. The operator is trying to correct malfunctions due to incompatibilities as soon as possible within the scope of his possibilities.


The App user is responsible for the use and content of the App himself. All texts and captions of the Consent Banner are for illustration purposes only and do not guarantee legal security.



4. obligations of the user

Compliance with the provisions of these GTC and good manners are an indispensable prerequisite for the use of domains. By agreeing to these General Terms and Conditions, the user undertakes to comply with all of the following usage obligations and to use the services properly:


Access data 

The access data must be kept secret and may not be disclosed to third parties.The user is prohibited from allowing third parties to use GDPR Legal Cookie with their own access data. The user is obliged to inform us immediately if there is reason to suspect that a third party has knowledge of access data and/or misuses an account.



5. termination of the contract

The user of GDPR Legal Cookie may terminate the user agreement at any time.

We reserves the right to terminate a user contract or to refuse the services at any time for any reason.



6. data protection

The collection, storage, deletion and use of personal data within GDPR Legal Cookie takes place in compliance with the relevant data protection regulations. In particular, we will not pass on personal data of the user to third parties without authorisation or make them known to third parties in any other way. Further information on data processing, data security and data protection can be found in the Data Protection Declaration.


The company undertakes to comply with the applicable data protection regulations.


Unless permitted by a valid consent of the affected GDPR Legal Cookie user or German or European data protection law, the Company is prohibited from collecting, processing, using or disclosing personal data of GDPR Legal Cookie users to third parties.


We and the associated GDPR Legal Cookie do not store any personal data. GDPR Legal Cookie accesses the data stored in this shop platform, compares them with the sanction lists and their contents. As reference value, only the order ID of the Shopify order is stored on the our database. All information about orders or customers are retrieved and displayed via API interface from the shop platforms database. None of this data is stored on our databases.


No data will be transmitted to the operators of the provided sanction lists. All sanction data that are compared within GDPR Legal Cookie are exclusively processed internally. All sanction data are stored on the our databases.


7. exemption

The user exempts our from all rights and all claims, including claims for damages, which other users, other third parties or state authorities assert against us. The user is aware that GDPR Legal Cookie is exclusively an information service and does not offer any legal basis.


8. liability and damages

We are only liable for damages if the damages are based on intent or gross negligence of its legal representatives, employees or vicarious agents. We are only liable for slight negligence if essential contractual obligations ("cardinal obligations") are violated. In this case the liability is limited to the foreseeable, with such contracts typically occurring damage. If we are liable for this damage, there are no liability claims for loss of profit or savings, damages from claims of third parties and other indirect and direct consequential damages. Claims due to bodily injury as well as due to property damage according to the Product Liability Act remain unaffected. The aforementioned exclusions of liability and limitations do not apply in the case of the assumption of explicit guarantees by us as well as in the case of claims due to missing assured characteristics. None of the contracting parties is liable to the other for the non-compliance with contractual obligations if the non-compliance is caused by circumstances over which he has no influence. This applies in particular to cases of force majeure.


9. final provisions

We reserves the right to change provisions of these GTC at any time and without stating reasons, unless this is unreasonable for the user. If the GTC are updated, the user will be notified of the changes in good time by e-mail. If the user does not object to the validity of the new GTC within six weeks of receipt of the e-mail, the amended GTC shall be deemed to have been accepted by the user. In the event of an objection, we have the right to terminate the contract within two weeks of receipt of the objection. We will refer to this notice and to the right of objection in the respective e-mail. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply to these GTC and the entire legal relationship between us and the user to the exclusion of conflict law and the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.


Place of performance is the registered office of us. The sole place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising between the parties from the contractual relationship is, as far as legally permissible, the registered office of us.


Place of jurisdiction for merchants within the meaning of the German Commercial Code (HGB) is the registered office of us.

Additional agreements, changes and supplements and other notifications require the written form for their effectiveness, as far as nothing else is agreed in these terms and conditions. This also applies to the waiver of the written form requirement itself.